Sunday, August 16, 2009

80s Movies - An Intro

Oh, the 80s. It was a decade that sparked...well, all things wonderful. And although I was born in the 90s, I live in the 80s.

So this is the start of a new blog in which I hope to discuss 80s movies, star 80s icons, and the cult which follows. I have recently begun to collect 80s movies. I currently have over 30 in my collection, and it is growing as fast as the economic situation will allow. I mostly dabble in the 80s teen movies which gained a great following thanks to icons such as Molly Ringwald and John Cusack.

I am completely open to suggestions and would love to hear movie recommendations as well as your thoughts on each movie or person I choose to write about. Please keep comments somewhat friendly toward other guests.

80s quote of the day: As you wish. - The Princess Bride

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